Old Bust Head is hosting its 8th annual race benefitting Finley’s Green Leap Forward! Serious runners welcome as well as those who just want to come out to run, walk, or stroll to support a great cause. Finley loved Halloween so we are excited to race on October 30th. Dogs & costumes welcome.
This year the race will be held both in-person and virtually! Either way you’ll be supporting Finley’s Green Leap Forward and participating in the fun.
Sign up here to register for either the in-person or virtual run:
The top male and female overall finishers in both the in-person and virtual races will have an extra $100 donation to Finely’s Green Leap Forward made in their names.
The in-person race spots are limited so don’t delay in signing up! There will be a rolling start and assigned starting positions to allow for social distancing. Sorry, no Same Day Registration for the In-Person run this year.
In place of an award ceremony, winner names and times will be posted on our indoor bar for the day (along with their medals for pick up), and projected on indoor and outdoor screens. If you’re not a top finisher, you can still check your time online! To avoid crowding we won’t be posting lists. We’ve moved up the race start to 10:30am this year to ensure plenty of socially distanced post-race seating at Old Bust Head. Adequate parking will be available at the Start/Finish line.
The virtual run is open to both locals and friends from afar. If you’re local and are able to pick up your tee shirt, wrist band, and beer ticket at Old Bust Head, sign up for the ‘Virtual Run with Swag’. If you’re joining our virtual run from somewhere else around the globe, sign up for the ‘Virtual Run without Swag’.
The leader board for the virtual run will be tracked by Racewire and will be projected on indoor at outdoor screens at Old Bust Head on race day. Top male and female overall virtual runners will be awarded medals for the Virtual Run.
Award Categories for In Person Run
Top 2 M/F Overall
Top 2 M/F Per Age Group:
Ages 14 and under
Ages 15-18
Ages 19-29
Ages 30-39
Ages 40-49
Ages 50-59
Ages 60++
Early Bird Registration Fee $30
Registration Fee goes up to $35 at 11:59pm on 9/29/21.
Virtual without Swag
Early Bird Registration Fee $15
Registration Fee goes up to $20 at 11:59pm on 9/29/21**Children 8 years old or younger do not need to register for the race unless they want to compete and receive a timed bib from Racewire.**