When Life Gives you Lemons…

When life gives you Lemons… get cleaning!

We all want a clean, healthy home free of harsh chemicals. The EPA has found the air quality in our homes to be 5 to 10 times more toxic than the air outside with much of this pollution coming from conventional, petrochemical cleaners. What are the alternatives?

There ARE better options. But beware, labeling on household products is not regulated by the FDA or USDA so when an item says it is ‘organic’, ‘non-toxic’, and ‘eco-safe’ it may just be slick marketing. ToTime for Some Spring Cleaning help you cut through the jargon, Environmental Working Group provides a simple guide to the best natural products.

Or skip the store and try making your own….

Just raid your pantry and with vinegar, baking soda and alcohol, you can conquer almost any dirty job. Here are some easy recipes.

And as for those lemons? Well, they are one of the strongest food-acids around; capable of killing most of your household bacteria. So, watch out wooden cutting boards, life just gave us lemons!